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Compromising eCommerce platform through a vulnerable APIs

#honda #api security #BOLA #BFLA |

Check out this excellent write-up from Eaton Zveare on how has white hat hacker compromised Honda’s power equipment/marine/lawn & garden dealer eCommerce platform through vulnerable APIs. It’s a great example of API5:2023 Broken Function Level Authorization (BFLA) and API3:2023 Broken Object Property Level Authorization (BOLA) on a poorly written application.

Honda’s power equipment/marine/lawn & garden dealer eCommerce platform could be compromised by exploiting a password reset API, gaining access to sensitive data, leading to full admin-level access, including customer orders, dealer websites, dealer users/accounts, dealer and customer emails, potentially private keys for payment gateways, and internal financial reports. 



Note that the hack only affected Honda’s power equipment/marine/lawn & garden business, not their automobile business (Not to minimize the blast radius!)

Other Notes:

Despite his efforts, no reward was given for this report. As mentioned by Karn in this article, automotive companies should offer higher rewards to security researchers to encourage reporting of vulnerabilities. With data breaches becoming more numerous and larger in scale, it was only a matter of time before another breach like this occurs

Read the Article here

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