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Offline download NGINX binaries

#nginx plus |

Here are some quick notes:

Debian/Ubuntu from a online machine download the files

# nginx plus  
sudo apt-get download nginx-plus  
# nginx plus mod security  
sudo apt-get download nginx-plus-module-modsecurity  
# Nginscript  
sudo apt-get download nginx-plus-module-njs


On a machine with access to the NGINX Plus repository:

$ yum install yumdownloader #If not already installed

Follow the instructions at cs.nginx.com/repo_setup for the appropriate RHEL/CentOS release up through step 6, Add NGINX Plus repository. Rather than installing the nginx-plus package, fetch the NGINX Plus RPM with yumdownloader:

$ yumdownloader nginx-plus

You can also do the same with any modules:

$ yumdownloader nginx-plus-module-lua

On the machine where NGINX Plus is to be installed, copy the rpm package to it and run the the command:

$ rpm -ihv rpm_package_name

Or to upgrade it will be:

$ rpm -Uhv rpm_package_name


On a machine with access to the NGINX Plus repository:

Follow the instructions at cs.nginx.com/repo_setup for Debian or Ubuntu up through step 8, Download the apt configuration to /etc/apt/apt.conf.d. Then run the following commands which will download the Debian package:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get download nginx-plus

On the machine where NGINX Plus is to be installed, copy the deb package to it and run the command:

$ dpkg -ideb_package_name

If you are provided a direct download link

curl --key somekey --cert somecert somelink

Note: Depending on the distro, the --key and --cert flags may not work, I always cat the cert/key into a file and use the -E flag

Example: rpm for centos

curl -O --cert /etc/ssl/nginx/nginx-repo.crt --key /etc/ssl/nginx/nginx-repo.key https://plus-pkgs.nginx.com/centos/7/x86_64/RPMS/nginx-plus-23-1.el7.ngx.x86_64.rpm

and install it by the command:

sudo rpm -iv nginx-plus-23-1.el7.ngx.x86_64.rpm

Other Notes

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