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Setup dnsmasq DNS server pm GL.iNet Router version 3.x
Setup BIND DNS server pm GL.iNet Router version 3.x
K3s Automated Upgrades
Getting Started with Sealed Secrets
Dealing with a Kubernetes Namespace that is stuck in STATUS Terminating
ArgoCD Application vs ApplicationSets
Cron Best Practices - Maximizing Efficiency and Security
Vagrant Cheatsheet
Screen Recording on Mac with Audio using Blackhole
Common git ignore configurations
Automating HTTPS Certificates in Kubernetes using Cert-Manager, Lets Encrypt using and HTTP-01 Challenge
Automating HTTPS Certificates in Kubernetes using Cert-Manager, Lets Encrypt using and DNS-01 Challenge
Installing Nginx as a reverse proxy for your Proxmox Web interface
Introduction to ChatGPT for Sales Engineers
ChatGPT prompts for Sales Engineers
Install NGINX Ingress Controller with Cilium
Switch port 3053 to port 53 using Adguard DNS on Gl.inet Routers
Install K3s with Cilium single-node cluster on Debian
Kubernetes Cluster on Raspberry Pi using Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, K3s, and Cilium!
Import .ova Image on Proxmox
Format and Mount USB Drive on Ubuntu
Favorite Terminal Command line tools
ArgoCD Quick Install
Can no longer ssh into GL-inet router no matching host key type found
What Is eBPF and Why Does It Matter for Application Delivery and Security
curl-ing things
Compromising eCommerce platform through a vulnerable APIs
Spoof IP address
GitHub Pages, Cloudflare, and custom domain
NFS Share on Debian
Create and Publish your helm chart in Gitlab
Running Tailscale in LXC containers
Completely uninstall docker
Adding a Static Route on macOS
Install Docker on Alpine Linux
Docker Host on ProxMox Container
Certbot and CloudFlare
Create or attach an existing tmux session
Proxmox reload services
Machine Learning in API Security
local Kubernetes with MicroK8s
Authn vs. authz
Authentication and Authorization
POC (Proof of Concept) or PoV (Proof of Value)
Find all files containing specific text using grep
Nginx keepalive connections
NGINX Byte Range Caching
Default nginx format “combined”
Count how many modsecurity WAF rules you have
Investing in a Security Mindset
Web Application Pentesting Tools
NGINX Custom error pages
Maintence Page for Custom Errors
GZIP Config
Logstash Authentication with SSL certificates
Install and Configure Filebeat on clients Ubuntu 18.04 or centos 7
Install ELK on Ubuntu 18.04
WAF vs vs API Gateway vs API Security
lsof, netstat and other network tools on MacOS
Create a wildcard Self-Signed SSL Certificate for development and testing
Pushing and Pulling to and from Docker Hub
Example SSH Config file
LXC docker host setup on ProxMox
NGINX OSS enable and disable website
Configure resolvconf to set Permanent DNS Nameserv
Configure Network settings for Centos 7
Enable pulling images from a private registry (insecure)
Docker Save and Load docker images
Delete all containers, images, volumes, etc
while and watch loops
File archiving and compression
SELinux - httpd can't write to folder or files
Enable and Disable SELinux
Useful OpenSSL commands
modsecurity WAF Custom Error Page
NGINX DNS Health check example
How many Modsecurity rules do I have?
Delete nginx logs after 1 day old
Shrink home partition and add more space on CentOS
Firewalld and NGINX
Update Google Dynamic DNS
Update CloudFlare dynamic DNS
Bind template forward template
Upgrade all Kubernetes components on the Control Plane and Worker Nodes
Renew the Kubernetes internal pods mTLS certificates
Multi-Container Pods and emptyDir for shared volumed
Merge kube config files
Create a Pod That Will Only Be Scheduled on Nodes with a Specific Label
Create a Networkpolicy That Denies All Access to the a Pod or Namespace
The Evolution of Secure File Transfers - From FTP to FTPS and SFTP
Test API Apps on Docker
Install ProxMox on a Dell 7590
Install Docker-compose on Alpine Linux
Kubernetes Cluster on MacOS using hyperkit + minikube
Muilti node Microk8s clusters using multipass
Convert Image types in Linux and Mac
Getting started with Docker for Arm using buildx
ag the Silver Searcher and ack to search for code and keywords in files
Limit docker container logs
Why You Need An API Gateway To Manage Access To Your APIs
Modern Application Load Balancing With A Centralized Control Plane
Load Balancing for Blue-Green, Rolling, and Canary deployment
Load Balancing as a Service
Import a QCOW2 Into Proxmox
Use Github API to force Github Pages rebuild site
Nesting containers in a Promox LXC
Upgrade servers using Ansible
How to Flush DNS on various OS
Catch all HTTP error codes
SQL Injection Example
Deploying NGINX and NGINX Plus on Docker
NGINX Plus Ingress Controller Sizing
Postgresql setup for NGINX controller
What is a Web Application Firewall (WAF) vs ?
Rip and save static copy of website using wget
Kubernetes Cluster on Raspberry Pi using Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, K3s, and MetalLB
Daily traffic simulator using wrk
NGINX Basics and Best Practices
Offline download NGINX binaries
warmup script using cURL
What are the correct SSH key permissions?
Parsing Nginx Logs - Useful and interesting examples
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